We’re your Youth One Stop Shop (YOSS) in Te Awakairangi (the Hutt Valley). Providing a range of primary health and social support services, we’re here to support young people aged 10-24 years.
Health Care Services
Our health care services provide complementary care, meaning young people can be registered with a local medical practice, and also access services at Vibe.
Mental Health Services
Our team of mental health specialists provide extra support to young people and the tools they need to manage daily life.
Social Services
Our team of social workers support young people across a range of areas. This includes young parent support, community support and transition support services (TSS).
Education and Employment
We support young people to get into education, training and help them to find employment.
Youth Service (MSD)
We have a team of youth coaches who support young people who are receiving a Youth Payment or who are enrolled in the NEET service.
School Based Services
We run health clinics within colleges and educational settings in the Hutt Valley area. If you’re keen to learn more about how our services could benefit your school, please get in touch.
Programmes and Workshops
We offer a range of group based programmes and workshops which are delivered in a fun, interactive and youth friendly manner.
Young Parent Support
At Vibe we offer a range of services for Young Parents 24 and under.
Health Promotion and Education
We run and promote events for young people to become involved with throughout the year based on health and wellbeing such as self-care, language celebration, and health promotion.